Top 8 Exercises for Fall Prevention

aging fall prevention strength training Sep 02, 2022

According to an article written by Closing the Gap Healthcare, in 2017, there were approximately 135,000 emergency department visits for fall-related injuries for individuals aged 65-79, and nearly 149,000 emergency department visits for individuals aged 80 and above.

With numbers this large, the real question becomes, how can we prevent falls?

Below are eight exercises you can do to help prevent falls. With these exercises, consistency is key. Try to do one or two on every commercial break, or at the end of every chapter of your book. Start to build it into your everyday lifestyle as much as possible.

Exercise #1: Sit to Stand

Using a sturdy chair, sit down and stand back up (keeping the weight in your heels). Focus on distributing the weight evenly through both feet and maintain your balance.

Do three sets of these with 8-12 repetitions with a 60-second rest in between.

Exercise #2: Straight Line Heel-to-Toe Walking

Using the edge of a carpet or yoga mat, walk in a straight line, connecting the back heel of the front foot to the toes of the back foot. When you get to the end, do not turn around, repeat the movement going backward.

Do three sets of 30 seconds with a 30-second rest in between.

Exercise 3: Tandem Balance

Stand with the heel of your front foot touching the toes of your back foot, and squeeze your legs together. To make the movement more advanced close your eyes, to modify the movement hold on to a sturdy surface.

Perform this movement with each leg in front, holding each one for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise 4: Obstacle Walking in a Straight Line

Using the edge of a carpet or yoga mat, place a few objects of varying heights, about 2 feet apart. Walk in a straight line avoiding the objects by stepping over them or lifting the leg around them. Make sure to change the type of leg lift you’re doing, and change which leg lifts first. When you get to the end turn around and repeat.

Perform this movement twice, each time with different objects, for about 60 seconds.

Exercise 5: Heel Raises

Begin with your feet about hip-width distance apart, lift one heel up, SLOWLY lowering it back down and then repeat with the other leg. To modify further, hold on to a wall or sturdy surface. To advance, lift and lower both heels at the same time. Focus on lowering as slowly as you can with as much control as possible.

Do three sets of 8-12 repetitions with 30 seconds of rest in between.

Exercise 6: Walk in Circle to the Beat of a Song

Pick any song, and walk in a circle to the beat of the song.

Do one full song for each direction.

Exercise 7: Air Squats

Begin with your feet about hip-width distance apart. As you exhale, bend your knees as you sit your hips backward (only bending as far as you can without pain). Inhale to stand back up. Focus on having the weight evenly distributed between the feet, and keep the weight of your body in the heels.

Do three sets of these with 8-12 repetitions with a 60-second rest in between.

Exercise 8: Single Leg Balance

With feet about hip-width distance apart, shift your weight into one leg while you lift the other leg up. The leg can be lifted in front or behind you (it’s encouraged that you switch it up and practice both). To modify, hold onto a wall or sturdy surface, and tap the toe down whenever you need.

Perform the movement on both legs holding each one for 30-60 seconds.

If you’re looking to bring a more regular prevention program into your life, learn more about the classes we offer at Rooted Tree Wellness Studio! The Cardio, Core, Balance Class and Muscle Maintenance as We Age Class would be the most beneficial for Fall Prevention.

Happy Exercising!

The RTWS Team


*Please note this article is extensively researched but is not written by a medical professional, nor should it be used as medical advice. We encourage you to seek advice from your primary care physician.



Anand, M. (2021, June 19). Fall prevention exercises in the elderly. Retrieved November 1, 2021, from 

How to prevent falls: A complete falls prevention guide for seniors & caregivers. Closing the Gap. (2019, January 28). Retrieved November 1, 2021, from 

Prevent falls with these 4 exercises. ProActive Physical Therapy. (2020, August 21). Retrieved November 1, 2021, from 

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